De los rios también nacen olas (Waves are also born from rivers)
Digital print on satin silk imitation, made of recycled PET beverage bottles
L 375 x W 70 x H 250 cm
Installation views “Future Past Perfect”, Spoiler Aktionsraum, Berlin 2021
photo credits : Lorenz Fidel Huchthausen & Daniela Macé-Rossiter
De los ríos también nacen olas
« De los rios también nacen olas » (Waves are also born from rivers) brings you into the stream of a river, the idea of a river, or the dream of it.
The image is an analog photography of a river, digitalized and then stretched and deformed. Through this transformation, the grains of the film give a movement and a fluidity to the image itself. The fabric also draws a meander in space, which resonates like an echo to the image its supports, but also gives it a new dynamic, as it doesn’t follow the same curves.
The installation embodies the meander, also referring to the symbol of the snake, link between sky and ground, image of the infinite, and of the cycle of life and death.
Installation views “Future Past Perfect”, Spoiler Aktionsraum, Berlin 2021
With Emma Adler, Merle Dammhayn, Lena Marie Emrich, Katrine Hoffmeyer Tougård, Ada van Hoorebeke, Daniela Macé-Rossiter, Florian Neufeldt, Felix Oehmann, Fabian Anselm Orasch, Martin Remus
photo credit : Lorenz Fidel Huchthausen
With Emma Adler, Merle Dammhayn, Lena Marie Emrich, Katrine Hoffmeyer Tougård, Ada van Hoorebeke, Daniela Macé-Rossiter, Florian Neufeldt, Felix Oehmann, Fabian Anselm Orasch, Martin Remus